Economic prosperity

The district’s economy is underpinned by low emissions, smart and sustainable industry and commerce that serves to improve community wellbeing and liveability. More people work locally than commute and investors are attracted by our innovative business and entrepreneurial environment, high quality employment opportunities and a supportive approach to long-term partnerships. Our economy thrives using the principles of regenerative and circular design, valuing nature and distribution of wealth, power and knowledge to all.
There are a range of goals we have set out in our Community Plan that help us focus on prosperity, including:
- growth of business and employment
- building our identity and reputation for liveability and vibrancy
- capitalising on new economic opportunities
- improving access to formal and informal education.
We know we are making progress with economic prosperity when we see higher participation in community and council events, fewer people commuting to Adelaide for work, increased volumes of wastewater and stormwater harvesting, and higher employment levels.