Our vision

Our vision is a community that is smart,culturally rich, prosperous, safe, connected and sustainable.
Our values
- Accessible – Ready to listen to ideas and concerns of individuals, groups and institutions and respond with straightforward answers.
- Fair – All people working, living and visiting the Mount Barker District make this a rich community and we aim to represent them equally.
- Committed – Working hard to deliver appropriate and quality services and projects and build resilient communities. Decision-making processes are transparent and open to community scrutiny. Partnerships are valued and individuals and communities can be involved in influencing policies and local activities.
- Innovative – Using ideas, ingenuity and smart technology to solve problems and pursue opportunity.
- Resourceful – Making the most of Council and community assets and strengths and building on local resources by attracting investment from outside the district.
- Future focussed – Council will consider all the consequences of decisions and ensure they reflect the needs of current and future generations. We need to act for now and for the future. Council will have regard for the long-term and cumulative effects of its decisions.